February 2, 2014 by wilton Superbowl Sunday! I’m going to a party for the super bowl! I can’t wait to watch the first snap, then get really tired and hungry and go to bed. Let me know how it turns out! UPDATE: Look at me party!!!
February 1, 2014 by wilton Here’s a game I came up with… Count the fat rolls on my legs! I’m going to guess zero because I don’t know how to count yet, but there sure looks to be a lot
January 25, 2014 by wilton Watching the sun rise this morning… Watching a few flakes come down while the sun comes up. Stella joined me for a bit too!
January 18, 2014 by wilton Having some fun in our cabin in New Hampshire! My first time in a new state!!!
January 14, 2014 by wilton Happy baby alert! I get really happy in the mornings. Here I am hanging out in my crib just enjoying life.
Gallery January 12, 2014 by wilton I took some selfies waiting for the Pats game to start This gallery contains 7 photos.